com.iqsim.xiqs NamespaceiQSim © XIQS Communication Framework
Main package for XIQS Communication Framework classes.

Public classFilterExistException
A filter with same type has already been added to this object
Public classInvalidArgumentTypeException
The parameter argument type is not allowed
Public classMaxDeepException
No more object can be added to the underlying tree leafs
Public classNotImplementedException
This method should not be called
Public classSORT
Sorting criteria
Public classXConnectionManager
Utility factory for creating XIQS server connections
Public classXiqsException
Generic class for catching xiqs framework exceptions
Public classXiqsFactory
Utility class for creating various xiqs objects

Public interfaceIXCommand
A xiqs <command> object
Public interfaceIXComplexfilter
A <complexfilter> object
Public interfaceIXConnection
This object is used to communicate with a xiqs server.
Public interfaceIXEvent
Interface for XIQS Event objects returned by the XIQS server(s).
Public interfaceIXFilter
Generic class for xiqs object list filters
Public interfaceIXObject
A xiqs object is mainly a data container that is (de)serializable through an xml stream.
Public interfaceIXSimplefilter
A <simplefilter> object
Public interfaceXmlSerializable
Describes an object (de)serializable through an xml stream

Public enumerationDIR
Constant enumeration for list sorting direction
Public enumerationEVT_TYPE
Constant enum defining the <event> object types
Public enumerationPAR_TYPE
Constant enumeration for <event> or <command> parameter's type objects