XML Protocol description

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Here you will find the possible scenario on a typical client / server XIQS communication.

The chosen protocol form for socket communication with XIQS API is inspired by SOAP protocol, but does not formally follow its specification to get a very light weighted XML protocol result.

The exchanged packets are in the form "command invocation" → "command execution response". The command invocation and command response are done on the same and unique socket. For example, a command invocation packet is written by the client on the socket pipe, and then the client should expect the command response on the same socket pipe. The commands invocation is synchronous, as once the command is invoked, the client should expect the invocation result before sending a new command.

The monitoring events communication is asynchronous, because when a monitoring has been started, notifications events about updated objects can occur at anytime while the communication. So an event response packet can be received even if no command invocation was done.

A common practice for monitoring events can be to open a first communication socket for sending commands, and a second one dedicated only to event monitoring.

The communication exchanged packets form is defined as in following XML schemas.

Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List